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Sudozi Features
Procurement Intake, Vendor Management, Financial Insights
Getting involved early in the vendor process has always been a goal for procurement. With Sudozi, we were able to achieve much more visibility to ongoing requests as well as existing vendor data. Procurement is crucial to increased savings and understanding company investments, and Sudozi has been able to help us on all facets of the responsibility.
Ingrid Ryan, Director of Finance
at Handshake
Security and IT teams often get looped in too late in the procurement process. With Sudozi, our teams are able to get early visibility to vendors and be prepared for onboarding and reviews. Sudozi has also helped with audit evidence and ongoing vendor collaboration.
Jake Gord, Information
Security Lead
Employees don’t want to read and memorize legal approval policy documents.  With Sudozi, our legal team is able to launch workflows that connect to existing systems. This helps with overall compliance and legal review while enhancing our operating cadence.
Harvey Daniels III, Managing Counsel,
Commercial Transactions

Sudozi has been able to help Handshake on all facets of the Procurement responsibility

Approval compliance
Since launching Sudozi, Handshake has experienced close to 100% Procurement compliance, helping the company reduce spend and risk.
Centralized visibility
Millions in annual budget being managed within Sudozi to maximize savings and minimize risk.
Win for the business
Business partners enjoy having one place to go to request spend and work with the procurement process.
Stop counting the beans

Bring Strategic Procurement to your Company

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